
Jorge Octavio Cappellini


Lawyer specialized in negotiation, corporate law, M&A, corporate conflicts, finance and start-ups. Business coach.

+54 (11) 5236-6180

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I was born in 1966, in the city of Cipolletti, in the Province of Rio Negro. I graduated from Champagnat High School. I graduated as a lawyer from the School of Law of the Argentine Catholic University.  In 1992, I was hired by Bunge & Asociados Law Firm, to work with  Diego Bunge, Esq. and  Osvaldo Norte Sabino, Esq.

In 1994, I accompanied Norte Sabino, Esq. in the creation of his law firm, and became later a member of Arthur Andersen´s legal department in Argentina (Arthur Andersen-Norte Sabino, Legal Advisors).

In 1996, I started working at Marval, O´Farrell & Mairal and I was appointed a partner in 2002. After 17 years, I decided to work as a free-lancer and develop a dynamic and personal project, putting together my excellent education and experience acquired at Marval.

I have specialized in business law; in particular, corporate and banking law. My activity includes matters related to bank finance; purchase and sale of companies; mergers; joint ventures; company conflicts (related, in particular,  to family businesses); legal audits; real estate developments; agri-business; foreign exchange market and trusts.

I have participated in different business seminars, international transactions and mergers and acquisitions.

I am a member of the Bar Association of the Federal Capital, the Lawyers Association of the City of Buenos Aires and the Argentine Committee of Bank Lawyers.

Cappellini & Asociados Law Firm is a partner to IDEA (Instituto para el Desarrollo del Empresariado de Argentina – Institute for the Development of Entrepreneurship of Argentina). Since 2002, I am a member of different work teams and divisions at IDEA and I have also been a member of IDEA´s Board of  Directors and Colloquium Committee. Furthermore, I am an active member of different foundations and non-governmental organizations.

Andres Minicucci


Lawyer specialized in corporate advice, technology law, start-ups, administrative and insurance.

+54 (11) 5236-6180

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My activity is focused on advising companies within the technology sector. I specialize on providing consultancy services to companies whose activity is linked to the development of new technologies and applied technology. I focus the advice in each stage of the development process of the specific activity of the company, in all the stages of its activity. I have experience in advising on the planning of legal structures and in providing support to these companies in the custody and securitization of intangible assets, as well as in corporate conflicts. I have experience in the development of corporate structures, business cooperation contracts, transitory union of companies and joint venture agreements between companies. I provide legal counseling for drawing up different contracts and specific documents in order to safeguard the ownership of intangible rights such as trademarks and property protected by specific legislation on intellectual property and copyright.

I have advised and represented in litigation insurance companies and banks. I have represented leading banking entities providing specific advice and representing them in matters of administrative law and judicial processes of different types.

I graduated as a lawyer from the University of Buenos Aires in 2004 and I have taken postgraduate courses at the Austral University in business counseling and corporate law. Moreover, I have taken specialization courses in industrial property at Flacso (Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences).

Before joining Cappellini & Asociados, I worked for the National Civil Justice, for the law firm Marval O Farrell & Mairal and for Ivaldi & Asociados, which gave me the opportunity to acquire valuable knowledge and professional experience.

From 2005 to 2011 I worked as an assistant professor in the Public Law Department of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires. In the year 2005 I obtained the first position among the aspirants to enter as an assistant in teaching career. I was in charge of  imparting courses corresponding to administrative process, representation of companies and development of strategies before the administrative entities and procedural law in administrative matters before the federal jurisdiction.

I am a member of the Bar Association of the Federal Capital and the San Isidro Bar Association.

Maria Laura Velazco


Lawyer of counsel specialized in litigation, commercial arbitration, customs law
and agro-business.

+54 (11) 5236-6180

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I am a lawyer graduated with orientation in Corporate & Business Law and with honors from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires in 1991. I have been practicing corporate and procedural law for more than twenty years. I have participated, and I am still actively participating, in complex legal proceedings and international arbitration proceedings, in particular, those governed by the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and by the Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), as well as in local arbitration proceedings, in particular, before the Mediation and Arbitration Business Center (CEMA) and the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange.

From 1991 to 2004 I worked as a lawyer in the Litigation and Arbitration Department with Sergio Le Pera, Esq. for the law firm Le Pera & Lessa. In 2004 I joined the law firm Marval, O'Farrell & Mairal, working in the same area of Law until 2013, when I was appointed Director of Arbitration Procedures of the Mediation and Commercial Arbitration Center of the Argentine Chamber of Commerce and Services (CEMARC).

During that period 2004-2013 I continued my training in alternative methods of dispute resolution. In 2010 I did a diploma course in arbitration at the School of International Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá, in Colombia, and began to study the dispute boards as means of preventing conflicts during the management of construction contracts. In parallel I held a diploma in State Contracts and Public Infrastructure at the Austral University.

In 2013, I joined Cappellini & Asociados, which allowed me to develop my practice of customs Law, which, like international commercial arbitration, requires as a prerequisite to know how to litigate and to know how international trade works. I hold a postgraduate degree in customs law at the National University of La Plata and I am trained in agribusiness by the Austral University.

I am admitted to practice in all the jurisdictions and instances of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, of the province of Buenos Aires and of the federal courts of Argentina. I am a member of the Bar Association of the Federal Capital and the La Plata Bar Association. I am a MEPRE prejudicial mediator (admitted to practice as a mediator by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation). I am the Director of Arbitration Procedures of the Mediation and Commercial Arbitration Center of the Argentine Chamber of Commerce (CEMARC). I was appointed arbitrator by the ICC Court of Arbitration. I am one of the arbitrators of the Permanent Arbitral Tribunal of the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of the La Plata Bar Association.

I am an appointing authority in ELARB (Association of European-Latin American Arbitration) and I am listed in the arbitrators' roster of the Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid, the Tribunal of Engineering of the Argentine Center of Engineers (TAI) and the Center of Arbitration of the Bolivian Chamber of Hydrocarbons and Energy (CEAR). I am a faculty member of the Diploma Course of Arbitration at the Austral University. I frequently participate in arbitration forums and events and write papers on arbitration specialty. I am the Argentine representative of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation.

I speak Spanish (mother tongue), English and Portuguese fluently (I am a certified and sworn translator of the Portuguese-Spanish pair, graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires, and member of the Sworn Translators' Association of the City of Buenos Aires).

Lorena Rappaport


Lawyer of counsel specialized in ethics and compliance, international contracts,
and legal tech.

+54 (11) 5236-6180

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I’m a lawyer graduated from Universidad de Belgrano in 1997; english simultaneous interpreter; Certified in Ethics & Compliance; nowadays ending a specialization on legal tech.

I’ve been practicing law for more than 20 years. I’ve started my professional practice at Rappaport & Asoc., in areas such as civil, commercial and labor law, basically legally advising to companies. During many years, I was in charge of  international contracts, mainly bounded to pharmaceutical industry and generics.

I was part of CILFA’s legal department (Camara Industrial de Laboratorios Farmaceúticos Argentinos) on behalf of Laboratorios Northia SACIFIA.

I lived in Madrid for 12 years, and practiced law at De Cambra & Asociados where I’ve also gave legal advice to companies, focusing on international contracts, due diligence and english spoken customers. I’ve also worked at Ramirez de Francia, legally advising marketing and advertising companies.

Back in Argentina, in 2015 I was an appointed candidate to be part of Consejo de la Magistratura de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.

As from 2016, I am fulfilling duties of Legal Advisor for  Diputada María Ines Gorbea, at Legislatura de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.

In 2016, I’ve internationally certified at Universidad del CEMA as “Internationally Certified Compliance Professional” (07/2016), degree granted by Asociación Argentina de Etica y Compliance (AAEC) and International Federation of Compliance Associations (IFCA). As from 2017 I am a member of Asociación Argentina de Etica y Compliance, and Women in Compliance Argentina (2018).

Digital transformation and its impact in businesses and law caught my attention, so I’ve started to study and dive into Startup Law, Innovation and Technology (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo); Legal tech and Digital Law Transformation (Universidad Austral). I am now, finishing a Legal tech specialization (Aden – George Washington University).

María Victoria Champonier

Accountant and Lawyer


+54 (11) 5236-6180

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Nací en La Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, en 1987. Gran parte de mi infancia y adolescencia transcurrió en la Provincia de Tierra de Fuego. 

Mis estudios terciarios y universitarios los hice en Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Me recibí en 2009 de Contadora Pública en la Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE). Y ese mismo año comencé mi camino como docente en la misma casa de estudios. 

En 2011 concluí mi "Especialización en Procedimiento Tributario, Ley Penal Tributaria y Previsional" en la Universidad Nacional de la Matanza (UNLaM), y descubrÍ mi pasión por la abogacía. 

En 2013, previo concurso público de antecedentes, ingresé a Rentas de la Provincia de Tierra del Fuego como inspectora en el área de IIBB Convenio Multilateral fiscalizando grandes contribuyentes, en particular compañías petroleras. 

En el 2014 volví al ámbito privado. Durante algo más 3 años viví en Brasil y me dediqué a la administración de emprendimientos en el área de gastronomía y hotelería. Descubrí en este tiempo una forma de colaborar con el emprendedor mucho más humana y cercana. En simultáneo, continué con el asesoramiento en el ámbito privado en materia impositiva y laboral, vía trabajo remoto, con diferentes clientes de Argentina.

En 2017 regresé a Argentina y comencé a estudiar Derecho. Me gradué como abogada en 2021 (UADE).

Hoy disfruto de integrar mis dos profesiones, lo que me permite abordar soluciones de manera interdisciplinaria, con un enfoque empresarial orientado a la gestión.

Soy profesora adjunta en UADE, en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, del Departamento de Contabilidad e Impuestos en materias como “Seminario de Incumbencias Avanzadas de Contador Público”, y “Práctica Profesional Jurídica Contable”, y colaboro con el Departamento de Derecho en la materia “Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social”. También brindo cursos y capacitaciones en el área de liquidación de sueldos y otras cuestiones vinculadas al área laboral.

Soy miembro del Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de CABA, de la Asociación Argentina de Estudios Fiscales (AAEF) y del Observatorio de Derecho Penal Tributario de la UBA.

Ursula Paparatto


Lawyer of counsel specialized in family and inheritance law.

+54 (11) 5236-6180

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Me desempeño como abogada especialista en el Derecho de Familia y Sucesiones,  graduada de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en el año 2007.  En el año 2008 ingresé al estudio Ricardo Rodriguez & Asociados, donde me desarrolle en el área del derecho civil y  derecho a la salud, lo cual me brindó la oportunidad de adquirir experiencia y conocimientos prácticos.

En el año 2013 ingresé al estudio Claudio Galván & Asociados, en el que tuve a mi cargo el Departamento de Derecho Civil y Comercial, interviniendo más especialmente en los casos de Derecho de Familia y Sucesiones.barqué fundamentalmente asuntos y conflictos relacionados con Divorcios, Plan de Parentalidad, Régimen de comunicación con los hijos, Alimentos, Compensación económica,  Curatelas, y Sucesiones, hasta el año 2021.

Intervengo en cuestiones atinentes a la problemática familiar en sus diversas aristas, con la más absoluta  consciencia y convicción acerca de la incidencia que tiene para la persona el conflicto familiar, tanto en lo atinente a las relaciones familiares como de pareja. En este sentido, abordo con mucha prudencia la planificación de los objetivos y de la estrategia a seguir, teniendo en cuenta cada caso particular y cada dinámica familiar con su singularidad.

Desde P el año 2017 tengo a cargo la gerencia de legales de la Obra Social de Aeronavegantes. En ese marco, participe del Primer Congreso de “Derecho a la salud, actualidad, problemáticas y perspectivas”, organizado por la Asociación Argentina de Justicia Constitucional (año 2022).

Estoy colegiada en el Colegio de Abogados de la Capital Federal y en el Colegio de Abogados de San Isidro.

He realizado diversos cursos de especialización en Derecho de Familia (“Seminario  de Actualización Nuevo Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación” en el  Año 2016, dictado por  La ley,  en la Universidad de Buenos Aires;  “El Instituto de la Compensación Económica”, dictado por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Año 2018; “Jornada sobre La "Perspectiva De Género y Derecho De Las Familias" -, en el año 2021 – dictado por el Instituto Superior de la Magistratura, entre otros). 

Actualmente curso el tercer y último año de la Carrera De Especialización en Derecho De Familia, Niñez y Adolescencia, dictado por la  Universidad de Buenos Aires, y me encuentro en pleno proceso de formación para certificarme como Abogada Colaborativa.