Diagonal is a Nonprofit Association founded in May 2001. Our goal is to enhance the employability level of people over 45 years who are actively looking for a job.
We offer training and update workshops from a technical and emotional point of view, based on modern labor market requirements and any other factors (fear, frustration, insecurity, uncertainty, low self-esteem, distress, anxiety, etc.) that may impair the development of an immediate and effective reintegration to work.
Our mission:
“To be a reintegration to work opportunity for people over 45 years.”
Our goals:
- Live in a more inclusive society, with opportunities for all.
- Increase the effectiveness of multigenerational work teams, taking advantage of each generation’s capabilities and skills.
- Make companies incorporate people over 45 years to their work teams, appreciating their experience, compromise, will, responsibility and wisdom as a key factor.
- Act as a prevention agent to avoid that more people continued to be excluded from the labor market based on their age.
“Tackle child undernutrition in Argentina, first in the Province of Mendoza and, then, in the rest of Latin America.”
“A country with equal opportunities for all, where everybody can use their genetic potential and freely choose the road to take, without any limitations due to intellectual disabilities caused by the community itself. Child undernutrition generates mental weakness – the only one that may be prevented, the only one that may be reverted, the only one caused by man.”
CONIN was founded in the city of Mendoza (Argentina) on September 4th 1993 by Abel Albino, MD, following the successful example implemented by Prof. Fernando Mönckeberg, MD, in the Republic of Chile, as a consequence of which Chile has the lowest undernutrition level in Latin America. The Chilean model (Treatment Centers) was supplemented with Prevention Centers in Mendoza.
CONIN (Cooperadora de la Nutrición Infantil) is organized as a nonprofit foundation with the Registry of Companies of the Province of Mendoza under Registration Number 805/94.
For taxation purposes, it is registered with AFIP-DGI under Taxpayer number CUIT 30-68418454-3, and tax exempted under AFIP-DGI Resolution Number 84/98, as amended by Resolution Number 61/2002, allowing the Foundation to receive gifts deductible from income tax.
It is also registered in the “Sole Registry of Administrator Organizations” of the Ministry of Social Development of the Nation.
Mission: Collaborate in the recovery of the violated rights of girls and adolescents through a space of containment, shelter and comprehensive protection; that promotes their reflective work on their particular problematic situation, tending to their harmonious and complete development, from spaces of relationship that promote the consolidation, reestablishment and / or strengthening of their civic conception.
Vision: Promote the development of a specific space that addresses the problem of the violation of rights in girls and adolescents, at the height of the social and community requirements subjectively necessary for the construction of the notion of belonging and citizenship.
As of July 2020, Hogar San José houses 25 girls and adolescents, whose most essential rights have been violated in the Hogar San José. Making home a new beginning for them. From the moment they arrive home, they are offered containment and support in all their needs, as well as individual and collective assistance, seeking to take care of their physical and psychosocial health. Our girls and adolescents have experienced situations of profound deprivation, and there is no time in their lives for it to continue being that way. From home they begin to build a different today, which allows them to project an overcoming tomorrow in which their rights are restored.
Hogar San José is a project framed in the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and in the Law for the Promotion and Integral Protection of the Rights of the Child and Adolescent whose essential basis is the best interests of the child, promulgating their comprehensive care and training subject of law; as a citizen.
Contact information
Tel./Fax: 4664-1109
Cell: 15-5183-1558
Address: Intendente Irigoin 1756 (1663), San Miguel, Province of Bs. As.
E-mail: maria.reynolds@misiondac.org
Manos en Acción es una ONG integrada por un equipo de profesionales y voluntarios, que trabaja desde 2010 por la inclusión social y el desarrollo humano y comunitario de niños y familias en situación de vulnerabilidad buscando fomentar la igualdad de oportunidades.
Mejorar la calidad de vida de familias en situación de pobreza y vulnerabilidad, brindando herramientas y generando recursos para la equidad de oportunidades.
Con la convicción de que la transformación social es posible, desde Manos en Acción trabajamos todos los días para empoderar a las personas y lograr que se constituyan como sujetos independientes, protagonistas de sus propias vidas y dueños de su destino.
Lograr un país más justo en el que todas las familias puedan desplegar su potencial y constituirse en dueños y protagonistas de su futuro.
Datos de contacto
Fifi Palou
Donaciones: María Messina
Donaciones económicas: Natalia Estala
Tel: 4701-4876 / 0800-888-1374